Treasured by Holly

Holly PitcherComment

So I know I am a little late posting this, but hey it's still Friday out here in the southwest ;) Well stats for this week...I don't know. I missed weighing in this week, but honestly it wouldn't have been good news. Too many parties this week. I didn't have the time to make it to my meeting so I am headed there in the morning...yay!!! I actually really enjoy going to them. I get a lot of great snack/meal ideas and love the little old ladies that are there. They are such a riot!!

In other news I started running again! It has been so nice here the last couple of days that I didn't even need the gym pass (which finally came through). On Tuesday I ran to a basketball game I was reffing and then a friend and I hit the trail about 10:00 this morning and the temp was around 60 degrees....felt so good! Man I am so ready for spring! And it's days like these that I don't miss living in Colorado so much ;)

Have you ever heard of the quote "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels"? Well, I have and way back before my kids could read I would place it on my fridge to help me remember my goal. I haven't had it up in awhile because I never want my kids (especially my girls) to worry about having to be thin and all the disorders that can come from that. I have never used the word diet around them. Instead of diet I insert healthy because who wouldn't want to be healthier right? So in my quest to stick to my plan I came up with a little something for my fridge that would serve two purposes. One to be my reminder and two to brighten my day. I just love seeing it and having that thought in the back of my head. I thought I would share it with you and maybe it will help you on your journey as well. Here's to another week ;)