This summer I was able to attend the Scout Day Camp in our area. I am a cub scout leader (yet to get my lovely shirt) and am thoroughly enjoying spending this time with Bryce. This was my first Day Camp and it was so much fun! Hot...but fun ;)
They had the Jr ROTC there to take the kids through an obstacle course which I think the kids had the most fun. They learned about safety and had team building exercises. I was so glad to be able to attend and can't wait til next year...GO SCOUTS!!!
Bryce working is way through the course. So proud of him!!!
During the team building exercises they had to get these boards across the "hot lava" and then bring there team across. Bryce ended up knocking his nose on the board and tried to be so brave and not cry in front of the other boys. He asked me for a hug so that he could hide his tears and when he felt better he turned around and tried again. I was so proud of him and was even more thankful that he still wants my hugs in public, lol.
Nicole (another leader) and I roped in to helping the boys assemble their first aid kits...
and yes I did end up with a sunburn on the backs of my arms and neck, great fun!