Treasured by Holly

Monday Discoveries

Holly PitcherComment
Great Finds To Start Your Week

Monday, Monday it’s almost time, don't be late!

The dash is on to decorate!

Among other things.

Sorry but my rhyming skills are only good for two lines, lol
If Mondays are not usually your favorite day,
I thought I'd make them a little brighter.
Each Monday I post a great new find.
With the help of Etsy and my new addiction Pinterest, of course.

This Monday it’s....The momAgenda Family Planner
This little calendar has literally changed my life!! I use the calendar on my iphone religiously and I also have a month calendar on my fridge, but there isn't enough space in the boxes to write down all the info for every event. So how does that help out the rest of my doesn't! Now I can fill in one week at a time with all the necessary info and every member in my family (the ones that read, that it) know exactly where they need to be and how long. Who's picking them up and what they need to bring/wear. It fits right on my fridge above the water/ice dispenser so that I can still keep my monthly calendar on the right side. Is was definitely the best $17.00 I've spent in a long time!! Here's the details from their site:
  • The unique momAgenda, week-at-a-view format in a handy magnetic pad
  • Undated so it's totally flexible
  • Featuring space for mom and up to four children each day
  • 50 sheets per pad
  • Size: 9" x 12"
  • but if I were you I would just head over to momAgenda and take a look :)